Insurance company
How to grow in a competitive and regulated industry with interchangeable products

The client’s had decreased their market share due to new competitors aggressively targeting the clients’ core customer segments. The company was unaccustomed to working with growth and Harper was asked to help to evaluate initiatives for growth in line with the strategic direction of the company.


Who & why?

Understand the strategic direction and prioritize relevant growth initiatives

Potential growth initiatives were prioritized in close collaboration with top management and key stakeholders based on the company’s strategic direction and goals.


Evaluate growth initiatives and determine effect

The prioritized growth initiatives were calculated and evaluated based on their growth potential, profitability and business risk. Another prioritization was made and approved by the board of directors.



Employees involved in executing and implementing the initiatives were educated in necessary actions for growth. The responsible product owners were trained in several workshops to understand business cases, assumptions and key success factors.


Prioritized growth initiatives are being implemented

A growth initiative instructions manual that assesses current and future growth initiatives according to important selection criterion that was taught to the organization

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Johan Wrang

Johan Wrang
+46 (0) 707 87 19 19

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Curious to hear more about this case or how Harper can help you? Contact

Johan Wrang

Johan Wrang
+46 (0) 707 87 19 19